What Our Patients And Partners Say

"Impact provide excellent service"

"Impact Medical provide an excellent service for our patients. Expert staff, effective teamwork and the use of the latest technology has enabled us to deliver an efficient service with proven success outcomes and a high patient satisfaction rate". 

Ysbyty Gwynedd Hospital, Bangor, North Wales

“Absolutely Use the Service Again”

Many thanks to Kevin and his team for supporting the Health Board at very short notice. From initial enquiry, to first patient being treated was around 2 weeks. Kevin and the Team were very flexible in relation to days/dates, numbers of patients etc.  Regular communication  between myself and Kevin meant any issues were resolved quickly and no delays incurred.  Any changes or updates and feedback speedily communicated.Would absolutely use the service again, should the need arise”.

Ms Bonita Overland, Assistand Directorate Manager for Urology, Royal Gwent Hospital

"Leading lights in Lithotripsy Provision"

“As a Urological Surgeon with special interest in kidney stone management, I have worked professionally with the team at Impact Medical for over 15 years now, and there is no doubt that they provide a "Platinum level" Lithotripsy service for patients, clinicians and health service/providers. What is exemplary is that all the team practice by treating the patient holistically, in addition to their expertise in the technical aspects of lithotripsy. Feedback from patients and staff has been excellent. Clinically, the outcomes have been excellent and far superior to other lithotripsy providers. Impact Medical are definitely the leading lights in lithotripsy provision in the UK”.  

Professor Iqbal Shergill, Clinical Director North Wales and North West Urological Research Centre, Consultant Urological Surgeon Wrexham Maelor Hospital

"Very Happy"

We have been very happy with the service that you have provided and would like to thank you again for your help at short notice."
Again, I would like to thank you for your team to have stepped in and helped us out with Litho, truly excellent, well done and a big thank you. 

Mr Nimish Shah, Mr Nigel Bullock & Mr Oliver Wiseman
Consultant Urological Surgeons, Addenbrooks Hospital, Cambridge.

“Years of Experience”

We started working with Impact Medical when they supported us in providing a Lithotripsy service for Erectile Dysfunction and lithotripsy of stones.Impact Medical couldn’t have made it easier for us providing the expertise, equipment, aligned governance, insights, training and years of experience. The team from Impact medical are knowledgeable, so approachable and fun to do business with.You could really see how their ethos and that of Nuffield health was completely synergistic in service of keeping the patient at the heart of the care.I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the services of Impact Medical. I am proud to work alongside them and very grateful for the expert guidance and support and exceptional patient care.

Mrs Sonia Rhodes, Quality Improvement Lead, Leeds Nuffield Hospital

“The pleasure of using impact medical mobile lithotripter services”

We had the pleasure of using impact medical mobile lithotripter services from 16th August 21-24th November 21. Kevin Jones was approachable and prompt with implementing ESWL on our day-case unit whilst our regular lithotripter radiographer was off sick. This avoided inevitable significant delays of stone treatments in our health-board and associated complications.

The service was run reliably, efficiently and documentation clear. Patients were safely managed. There have been no significant recognised complications and we have received no complaints from patients. From verbal discussions during follow-up patients were very happy with the experience.

Ms Stella Roushias, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Royal Gwent Hospital

“Excellent Service from Start to Finish”

UK medical Services supplied us with an excellent service from start to finish .The team were excellent, experienced and very knowledgeable.The patients safety was always paramount . By the end of their stay they had become part of our Day Surgery Team .We would all recommend your company to anyone .

Sister Claire Thacker, Day Surgery Dept, Royal Gwent Hospital

“ So Professional, So Reassuring”

Thank you so much for the way you handled today. So professional, so reassuring. Consultant gave me two options. Operation next week or hold off and see if it passes. Probably no more lithotripsy on that stone and leave the second till we have got rid of the first.

I opted for a delay in the hope that I can pass it.

Thank you again. I will be writing tomorrow to Mr Luce saying how brilliant you and John are. I mean it. You give a standard of service that one could call “old fashion” or “very caring” whichever you feel appropriate.

Mr Costain, Patient at our London Lithotripter Centre